Mining Engineering
The Mining Engineering Department of DSM Design Group, LLC was established to provide mining and quarry consulting services for mining related services. Our Mining Engineering Department offers a wide range of services, some of which include the following:
- Alabama Surface Mining Commission (ASMC): Permitting
- Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM): Permitting
- Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA): Permitting
- United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE): Permitting
- Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Plans
- Blasting Plans
- Coal Processing Waste Disposal Plans
- Drainage Control Plans
- Excess Spoil Disposal Plans
- Groundwater Evaluation
- Haul Road Design and Layout
- Mine Design and Layout
- Mine Planning
- Mineral Reserve Evaluations
- MSHA Impoundment Designs
- Production Estimates
- Sediment Pond Designs
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Control (SPCC) Plans